Benefits of 3D Scanning
Other | January 3, 2024
Benefits of 3D Scanning

Benefits of 3D Scanning: At 4D we are utilizing specialized cameras and software, lets us capture spaces in intricate detail, generating high-quality 3D models that provide an unparalleled virtual experience with the following benefits: Architectural & Design Visualization: Architects and interior designers leverage 3D scans to visualize and plan renovations, analyze spatial layouts, and present design concepts more effectively. Facility…

BREEAM Enhancing Environmental Excellence
Other | January 3, 2024
BREEAM Enhancing Environmental Excellence

BREEAM Enhancing Environmental Excellence: At 4D, we prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship in our projects. Understanding BREEAM: BREEAM is a leading sustainability assessment method developed by BRE (Building Research Establishment), evaluating and certifying the environmental performance of buildings across various criteria. It assesses factors such as energy efficiency, materials used, waste management, water conservation, and overall environmental impact throughout a…

Modern Architecture Buildings
Architecture | September 30, 2021
Modern Architecture Buildings

Modern Architectural Buildings Modern architecture has shaped the skylines of cities around the world, pushing the boundaries of design and engineering while reflecting the cultural, social, and technological advancements of the 20th and 21st centuries. At 4D, we embark on a journey to provide some of the most iconic modern architectural buildings with their innovative designs and visionary concepts. The…

Modern Steel Structures
Structural | June 19, 2020
Modern Steel Structures

Modern Steel Structures Steel has long been celebrated for its strength, versatility, and aesthetic appeal in construction. In the realm of modern architecture, steel structures have become synonymous with innovation and bold design statements. At 4D we delve into the world of modern steel structures, exploring their evolution and the remarkable ways in which architects and engineers continue to push…